A Typical Christian Book

Now available at all major book retailers. AMAZON BARNES & NOBLE A Typical Christian is not a self-help book but a wake-up call. There is no ear-tickling in this book. Many things that Christian elites do not want you to know are exposed in this book. Graham...

Focus on Jesus not Others

I read an article the other day about how we should focus on Jesus and not others.  Makes sense right?  All too often we get caught up in what others are doing wrong instead of focusing on what we need to do right.  There is a time and a place to be vocal Christian. ...

The Devils Best Work is Done in Churches

The devils best work is done in Churches.  Think about that statement for a minute.  Christians often fall prey to the tactics that Satan uses destroy God's creation.  The sad thing is that as Christians we should know better.  One of the fundamental teachings that I...


Stories and Viewpoints on Faith

Would you deny your family, friends, and significant other? If not, why would you deny God by saying your relationship is a private matter? Would he say, “we have a private relationship?” I don't think so

The content you are reading in GodinMe.Faith centers around stories and opinions shared by contributors. We realize that some of the content is controversial, and may offend some of our readers.  Our goal is not to alienate you, but to cause you to dig deeper into your beliefs. We want to challenge you to open your mind to helping others to come and know Christ as we do.  We’re certainly not saying you have to believe as we believe, quite to the contrary. We are saying let’s engage in different views so that we can better develop our faith along with others.  Look for more contributors to participate in GodinMe.Faith, who will have different viewpoints, and understanding of scripture.  We hope you like what we’re doing so far, and are looking forward to connecting with you on GodinMe.Faith.

Making Excuses to Justify Sin

Making Excuses to Justify Sin

People are good at making excuses to justify sin in their lives.  Getting into a habit of sin is often hard to get out of.  Sometimes the progression of sin seems like the easier road to follow.  Often turning from our sinful ways leads to tremendous guilt, anxiety,...

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Following Jesus is Not a Religion

Following Jesus is Not a Religion

Following Jesus is what Christianity is all about.  Religion is the formality and man-made rules that you choose to adhere to as a member of a Church.  Being a follower of Christ does not require human regulations, it only needs faith.  It seems as though too many...

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You Can't Hide From Sin

You Can't Hide From Sin

You can't hide from sin; it is impossible.  No matter how hard you try, someone is always watching you.  Besides that, God is still watching you too.  Concealing sin just prolongs the inevitable.  You will get caught, and you will be exposed.  Today, our State Senate...

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Being Patient is Not Always Easy

Being Patient is Not Always Easy

Being patient is not one of my strong suites.  I am not an impatient person, but I just cannot stand it when someone is slow.  When someone gets in my way that is indecisive or unorganized, it drives me nuts. We went out to eat tonight at a buffet.  Buffets are great...

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Watering Down the Bible

Watering Down the Bible

There was not much watering down of the Bible when I was growing up.  The "grey" area, as they say, was nonexistent.  Everything I learned was laid out in black and white for me.  You were either going to heaven or hell.  It was a sin, or it wasn't.  You were breaking...

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What is a Bobble Head Christian?

What is a Bobble Head Christian?

When I think about the term bobble-head Christian, I visualize a person with no depth.  Imagine a bobble-head figure stuck to the dash of your car.  When you turn your wheel to the left, it turns its head with you.  If you turn your wheel to the right, it follows you...

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Little Lies Turn Into Big Problems

Little Lies Turn Into Big Problems

Little lies will catch up with you no matter how small they are.  One of the interesting things about lies is that they breed more lies.  When you don't tell the truth, it is often difficult to remember the story that you told that wasn't true.  When this happens, you...

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Saying Goodbye to Loved Ones

Saying Goodbye to Loved Ones

Saying goodbye is something that we will all have to face at some point in our life.  Nothing on this earth will live forever.  The only thing that can give us hope in life after death is Jesus.  Without Jesus, you will go to hell when you leave this earth.  The...

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Why Do School Shootings Happen?

Why Do School Shootings Happen?

School shootings happen for many reasons with many contributing factors.  Instead of looking for the cause, many people tend to look at the symptoms.  Ultimately why school shootings happen is because the aggressor does not have a relationship with Christ.  When you...

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The Life of Billy Graham

The Life of Billy Graham

Today, the life of Billy Graham ended here on earth.  At the age of 99, Billy Graham used the vast majority of his life to lead people to Christ.  Billy is probably the best known evangelic leader of our time.  I remember as a child watching him on TV.  Something was...

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When Does Life Begin?

When Does Life Begin?

The question of the day was, does life begin at conception?  Facebook is known for its off the wall memes and political debates.  So today in the spirit of Facebook debates, I decided to engage someone who posted a questionable meme.  No debates are ever won on...

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Mercy Me Movie I Can Only Imagine

Mercy Me Movie I Can Only Imagine

Are you getting excited about seeing the Mercy Me Movie I can only Imagine?  The new movie is based on the inspiring true story of Bart Millard.  If you are unfamiliar with Bart, he is the lead singer of the music group Mercy Me.  The storyline of the movie...

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Don't Crumble Under Pressure

Don't Crumble Under Pressure

Many people crumble under pressure.  They fight battles that are exhausting and do not have the strength to carry on.  Sometimes the person crumbles because their struggle is not God-honoring.  Crumbling under pressure leads me to my blog for tonight.  I was talking...

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What is the State of America?

What is the State of America?

Tonight we will hear the President give the State of the Union speech, which is the state of America.  Every year the President addresses Congress with his views on the current state of our nation.  The President gives his plans for legislation and ideas on how to...

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Resistance and Endurance Build Strength

Resistance and Endurance Build Strength

There is no doubt that resistance and endurance build strength.  I used to weight lift a lot in my twenties.  One of the foundations of strength training is resistance.  To build muscle mass, you have to break down the muscle.  This process is done through the use of...

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A Prideful Church Will Be Destroyed

A Prideful Church Will Be Destroyed

A prideful Church will destroy itself.  The downfall of any Church begins when selfish and prideful ways set in.  Satan's downfall was pride.  He didn't turn into the beast through gluttony, lust or the love for money.  Pride was why he fell from his glory.  That same...

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Having a Stress Filled Life

Having a Stress Filled Life

I am sure that everyone who is reading this knows what a stress filled life looks like.  Today it is more common to be stressed out than to live a stress-free life.  Some of us wouldn't know what do to if we didn't have stress controlling our lives.  Many of us stress...

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Getting Baptized Again in Jesus Name

Getting Baptized Again in Jesus Name

Have you heard of someone getting baptized again?  When I talk about getting baptized again, I am referring to those who got baptized as children.  I know that different denominations baptize children under different circumstances.  I was curious to what the Bible...

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Faith Requires Action Stop Being Passive

Faith Requires Action Stop Being Passive

The notion that faith requires action should not come as a shock to you.  My grandmother always used to tell me that we need to put foot to prayer.  You might be wondering why she said that.  First, faith in Christ can only be an action.  Look no further than Matthew...

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Your Truth Vs Gods Truth

Your Truth Vs Gods Truth

There are two types of truth in our world today, your truth and Gods truth.  One truth is made up out of convenience, and the creator makes one.  Gods truth never changes.  It never has and never will.  Just because society changes their way of thinking does not mean...

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We are Experiencing a Worldview Shift

We are Experiencing a Worldview Shift

A worldview shift is walking our culture farther and farther away from God.  We have become a society that is overly accepting of people to the point of utter ridiculousness.  As a Christian, I have seen a deep divide between the word of God and the wishes of man. ...

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Do You Have a Selfish Friend?

Do You Have a Selfish Friend?

A selfish friend puts themselves first in almost every situation.  Their agenda always centers on what is best for them, not what is best for others.  Instead of trying to make a positive impact on someone else's life, their self-content is always at the forefront. ...

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Having an Opinion is Not Judging

Having an Opinion is Not Judging

Having an opinion about the way things are is pretty common.  We see things through our lenses.  Some of us try to use our lenses from a Biblical worldview.  Others just speak what comes to mind.  One thing that bothers me about the Christian community is that people...

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Gods Not Dead 3 A Light in Darkness

Gods Not Dead 3 A Light in Darkness

Gods not dead 3 will be released in theaters on Easter 2018.  I am sure that most of you have already seen the first two videos of the series produced by PureFlix.  If you are unfamiliar with PureFlix, they are a Christian movie company.  The company also has a...

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Charitable Giving for Tax Purposes

Charitable Giving for Tax Purposes

This time of year people are thinking about charitable giving for tax purposes.  It is great that people want to donate to non-profit organizations such as Churches.  Many non-profit agencies solely rely on charitable giving to function.  I can understand the stress...

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Life is Tug of War Not Compromise

Life is Tug of War Not Compromise

When I was a kid, we used to play tug of war.  The game was fun because you had to be stronger than your opponent to win.  There were only one winner and one loser.  You couldn't cut the rope in half and compromise on the game.  I think back to the game I played...

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Paul Apostle of Christ Movie 2018

Paul Apostle of Christ Movie 2018

Scheduled to release on March 28th, 2018, Paul Apostle of Christ movie should be a hit among Christians.  I watched a trailer for the new film, and it was great to hear the director say that his main inspiration for the film came directly from the Bible.  Often in...

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Are You a Friendly Christian Neighbor?

Are You a Friendly Christian Neighbor?

I visited a Church last summer that had a message on being a friendly Christian neighbor.  The sermon started with filling out a chart.  There were six boxes on the chart, one of which was labeled your house.  There were three boxes across from your home box and one...

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Being a Christian Requires Team Work

Being a Christian Requires Team Work

When you think of teamwork, you might think of working with others at your job.  Others of you may think of a sports team that needs teamwork to come together for a victory.  Have you ever thought that being a Christian requires teamwork as well?  Many verses in the...

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There is Always a Way Don't Give Up

There is Always a Way Don't Give Up

One thing that I have found out in life is that there is always a way.  As a husband, father and business owner, I have faced many seemingly impossible obstacles in my life.  I am sure that most of you can relate to some of my life experiences.  Each of us has trials...

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Only God Answers Prayers

Only God Answers Prayers

Only God answers prayers, period.  If you are a Christian and believe that the Bible is the inherent word of God, then you know that no one other than God will answer your prayers.  Mankind has taken the simple approach to prayer and overcomplicated it.  In fact, many...

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Jesus Saved Mary From Her Sins As Well

Jesus Saved Mary From Her Sins As Well

Jesus saved Mary from her sins just like every other person he came to die for on the cross.  This time of year, we are reminded of the birth of Jesus.  The celebration of Christmas with the advent season gives us an opportunity to reflect on the miracle of Jesus'...

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Appreciating Life and Being Thankful

Appreciating Life and Being Thankful

Appreciating life to me means being thankful for what I have.  Today is the celebrated day of thankfulness.  We celebrate this day every year to help remind us of what God has blessed us with.  This symbolic day also marks the start of ungratefulness.  With Black...

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Giving Thanks to God Our Father

Giving Thanks to God Our Father

How are you at giving thanks to God?  It might seem like an easy question.  When we gather around the dinner table to eat a meal on Thanksgiving, we say a prayer before we eat.  We usually thank God for our family and our health as well as the buffet of food that we...

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When You Pray Sometimes No is An Answer

When You Pray Sometimes No is An Answer

Sometimes no is an answer to our prayers.  When we are desperately in need of something to go our way, we pray that God will give us the answer we want.  Sometimes the answer that we want is not the answer that we need.  Sometimes no is an answer from God because it...

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How Do Christians Treat Convicts?

How Do Christians Treat Convicts?

My eyes have been opened to how Christians treat convicts.   I used to be one of those people that turned my nose up at the thought of a convict.  Why would anyone want to associate with someone that broke the law and ended up incarcerated?  Just like many other...

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Trust in God

Faith is our master key to unlocking undetected potential inside each and every one of us.

The Trinity

As Christians we believe in The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.