Shawn Graham
I have always been a regular attendee at Church ever since I can remember.
When we were kids, our family Church hopped. I remember attending probably a dozen different Churches throughout my childhood years. I have seen the good and bad and everything in between.
What you might call a rough experience turned out to be a positive one for me. I got to see what was out there for me. Experiencing different Church environments allowed me to paint a clear picture of what I wanted in my home Church.
After many years of going with the flow and just sitting in the pews, I decided to take a closer look into my spiritual life. A series of events in my life forced me into relying on God for everything. I took the negatives out of my life and turned them into a relationship with Jesus.
Growing in the word made me a better husband, father, and friend.
I created this site along with my friend Kirk. I enjoy writing, and I tend to be very opinionated, just ask anyone that knows me!
Being a small business owner since the age of 17 gave me quite a few interesting life experiences along the way. I cross paths with people that are down on their luck every single day. I also get the opportunity to engage with people that are on top of the world.
When you look at life through spiritual lenses, you can see something lacking in people no matter who they are or where they are from.
Instead of just letting these people pass in and out of my life, I started engaging them spiritually. I have grown closer in my walk with Jesus through every person that I try to reach out to. It is amazing what God can do in our lives if we let him.
Having this site helps me share with you, my opinions and Biblical truths. I hope to engage you and get you to think outside of the box. You don't have to always agree with what I say. I do try to present my interpretation of the Bible as best as I know how.
With that being said, I hope you find this site engaging and spiritually beneficial.
Kirk Taylor
My family attended the local Methodist church during my early childhood years. My mother played the Church organ, and my father taught Sunday school(which I did not know untill this year).
We quit attending Church when I was nine years old. My mother's father was killed in a car accident when I was six, and her mother died of complications from cancer when I turned nine.
My mom felt very hurt, and even betrayed by God for losing her parents at such a young age, and she lost faith.
Life changed for everyone in our family from that point on, and my mother tried to make it up to me, but it wasn't the same as I had always felt special and happy until that point in 1976.
I attended a private Catholic school my senior year, but, I wasn't Catholic making it no different than attending public school, minus sitting in the back of the Church during school Mass.
I would not attend Church again until 2000 on a regular basis when I became a member of another Methodist Church in my hometown, but the connection broke when new clergy entered the Church, so once again, I stepped away in 2003.
Then, a new friend invited me to my current Church, a non-denominational Christian Bible Church. The connection is immediate, and I have yet to miss a Sunday since the first week in October of 2016.
I received a new Bible and read it cover-to-cover in seven weeks. Now I am in a life group, a Bible Study, and am studying scripture every day.
On top of that, I am on my way to living a more Godly life, full of joy and moving away from a life filled with negativity, depression, and anxiety.
Finally, I am finding bedrock to build a solid foundation, with the focus on establishing security for the first time in my life(think beyond financial security).
I began listening to Christian music non-stop in October, hearing the struggles in the music, and hoping for the joyful transition found in so many Christian songs, and then the switch, one day, hearing nothing but the joyful words in the music and letting go of the struggle.
There are so many challenges and struggles in my past, but today is as if God is taking me back to nine years old, and saying you now have a chance to do this all over again, to do it the right way this time!