Books, chapters, and verses make up the structure of the Bible. The Bible contains two primary sections. The Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament take up approximately 2/3 of the Bible. The New Testament begins with the book of Matthew.

Breaking down Books, Chapters, and Verses


The Bible is made up of several books. You will find the books in a list towards the bottom of this page. Each book features a unique name and is not to be confused with chapters.

The Old Testament contains 39 books beginning with the book of Genesis. The New Testament starts with the book of Matthew and includes 27 books. The last book of the New Testament is Revelations.


Each book of the Bible contains Chapters. They typically do not start on a new page, rather many Chapters may appear on a single page. Each Chapter includes a specific number and is in order, inside the book.


Each Chapter contains multiple Verses which are one or more sentences.

The books in the Old Testament are:

  • Gensis(50 Chapters)
  • Exodus(40 Chapters)
  • Leviticus(27 Chapters)
  • Numbers(36 Chapters)
  • Deuteronomy(34 Chapters)
  • Joshua(24 Chapters)
  • Judges(21 Chapters)
  • Ruth(4 Chapters)
  • 1 Samuel(31 Chapters)
  • 2 Samuel(24 Chapters)
  • 1 Kings(22 Chapters)
  • 2 Kings(25 Chapters)
  • 1 Chronicles(29 Chapters)
  • 2 Chronicles(36 Chapters)
  • Ezra(10 Chapters)
  • Nehemiah(13 Chapters)
  • Esther(10 Chapters)
  • Job(42 Chapters)
  • Psalms(150 Chapter)
  • Proverbs(31 Chapters)
  • Ecclesiastes(12 Chapters)
  • Song of Songs(8 Chapters)
  • Isaiah(66 Chapters)
  • Jeremiah(52 Chapters)
  • Lamentations(5 Chapters)
  • Ezekiel(48 Chapters)
  • Daniel(12 Chapters)
  • Hosea(14 Chapters)
  • Joel(3 Chapters)
  • Amos(9 Chapters)
  • Obadiah(1 Chapter)
  • Jonah(4 Chapters)
  • Micah(7 chapters)
  • Nahum(3 Chapters)
  • Habakkuk(3 Chapters)
  • Zephaniah(3 Chapters)
  • Haggai(2 Chapters)
  • Zechariah(14 Chapters)
  • Malachi(4 Chapters).

The books in the New Testament are:

  • Matthew(28 Chapters)
  • Mark(16 Chapters)
  • Luke(24 Chapters)
  • John(21 Chapters)
  • Acts(28 Chapters)
  • Romans(16 Chapters)
  • 1 Corinthians(16 Chapters)
  • 2 Corinthians(13 Chapters)
  • Galatians(6 Chapters)
  • Ephesians(6 Chapters)
  • Philippians(4 Chapters)
  • Colossians(4 Chapters)
  • 1 Thessalonians(5 Chapters)
  • 2 Thessalonians(3 Chapters)
  • 1 Timothy(6 Chapters)
  • 2 Timothy(4 Chapters)
  • Titus(3 Chapters)
  • Philemon(1 Chapter)
  • Hebrews(13 Chapters)
  • James(5 Chapters)
  • 1Peter(5 Chapters)
  • 2 Peter(3 Chapters)
  • 1 John(5 Chapters)
  • 2 John(1 Chapter)
  • 3 John(1 Chapter)
  • Jude(1 Chapter)
  • Revelation(22 Chapters).