Making the Best out of Situations

Making the Best out of Situations

Sometimes we are dealt anything but ideal situations in our life.  Everyone deals with trials in different ways.  The trials in our lives do not make us stronger.  The way we handle our trials is what builds character and brings us closer to God.  No one says that it...
Doing the Right Thing in God’s Eyes

Doing the Right Thing in God’s Eyes

What is the right thing?  I have asked myself that question more times in my life than I can count.  No doubt that it is hard living in a society where the definition of the right thing can be counter to what God wants for us.  Sometimes it is easy to do the right...
The World Keeps Testing Our Faith

The World Keeps Testing Our Faith

Every day the world is testing our faith. From our job to school, to our home life, every aspect of our life gets tested. How strong is your faith? Are you willing to take an unashamed stand to proclaim your faith? Many people claim to have strong faith. But when put...
Do you Offend People by your Pride?

Do you Offend People by your Pride?

Do you offend people with your pride and not even know it?  Boosting your self-esteem is a selfish way of being prideful.  The Bible talks about how pride is bad numerous times.  Pride for our selfish interest is what the Bible is referring to.  Do the Bible verses...