by Kirk Taylor | Jun 29, 2017 | Uncategorized
How does a positive attitude impact your faith development? Many Christians believe that development of their faith requires that they project a positive attitude to all around them. People like Pastor John MacArthur, attack other Christian practices going so far as...
by Kirk Taylor | Jun 28, 2017 | New Testament
“Encourage me, and I will never forget you.”, a message delivered by Joel Osteen, a prosperity preacher. Joel Osteen preaches the Word of Faith teaching. He used one line of scripture in his message, “Encourage me, and I will never forget you.”...
by Shawn Graham | Jun 27, 2017 | Uncategorized
Have you heard of the Christian NFL Quarterback Derek Carr? Carr just signed the biggest contract in NFL history at an astonishing amount of $125 million over five years. Derek is not shy about his faith and his love for Christ. Just like Tim Tebow, both...
by Shawn Graham | Jun 26, 2017 | Old Testament
You should always honor your commitments. When you agree to do something, it is important to follow through with your word. One thing that I learned from all of my grandparents is that you are only as good as your word. Making empty promises and never being there...
by Shawn Graham | Jun 25, 2017 | Old Testament
Embracing tough times in the midst of your struggle is a hard thing to do. I used to look tough times as setbacks or road blocks. When you are in this mindset, you will end up digging a deeper hole to fill your troubles with. I lost my grandfather when I was a...