by Shawn Graham | Mar 26, 2018 | New Testament
People are good at making excuses to justify sin in their lives. Getting into a habit of sin is often hard to get out of. Sometimes the progression of sin seems like the easier road to follow. Often turning from our sinful ways leads to tremendous guilt, anxiety,...
by Shawn Graham | Dec 15, 2017 | New Testament
It seems like more and more people only practice faith at Christmas. Tis the season to show up for Christmas Eve service at Church to undo all of the evil deeds you have done throughout the year. Maybe you are just stopping by to practice faith at Christmas to...
by Shawn Graham | Oct 6, 2017 | New Testament
Have you ever wondered if Jesus was against weapons? With all of the talk going around about banning weapons, I thought it prudent to see what the Bible had to say. If you believe as I do, weapons are a tool. Humans control what the tool does or doesn't do. Some...
by Shawn Graham | Sep 27, 2017 | New Testament
We should all take a knee to pray. Why might you ask? Because sometimes it is necessary to humble ourselves before the Lord. Lately, all I see in the news are stories about NFL football players taking a knee during the national anthem. The last time I remember...
by Shawn Graham | Sep 18, 2017 | New Testament
You may not realize that Jesus got angry several times in the Bible. Some of you are probably wondering how can that be? All of the stories you have been told are of Jesus healing the blind and helping the crippled walk again. You may have even heard the story of...