Every day the world is testing our faith. From our job to school, to our home life, every aspect of our life gets tested. How strong is your faith? Are you willing to take an unashamed stand to proclaim your faith? Many people claim to have strong faith. But when put to the test, these same individuals collapse like a wet paper bag.
Whey does the world keep testing our faith? My friends, Satan is alive and roaming on this earth. He has one goal, and that is to get as many people to hell as possible. See Satan is mad at God, he is jealous. He thinks that he is better than his creator, this is why he was thrown out of heaven. Does Satan trick you into thinking that you are better than your creator? When you listen to the world and shamefully resist standing up for your faith, you end up being a faithless coward.
Satan just loves it when you are so weak in your faith that you can't find the courage or the words to stand against evil. When we are not proclaiming the word of God, and following his example, we are weak in our faith. Satan keeps testing our faith to see if we are on God's side, or if he can steal us away and drag us to hell.
When you are weak in your faith, you are being used as a pawn by Satan to get back at God. Satan knows that God loves us. By trying to destroy us, he is trying to hurt God.
Consider our trials joy.
James 1:2-4 NASB “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”
As followers of Christ, it is expected that we will face challenges in our lives. Through these trials, our faith strengthens if we trust in God. God builds us into faithful warriors. We are called by our faith to go out into the world and share the good news of Jesus with everyone.
Testing our faith makes us stronger.
When the world is testing our faith, we have a choice. We can become stronger by digging into the word, increasing our prayer and being bold in proclaiming the name of Jesus, or we can become weak. Weakness can indicate spiritual immaturity or a complete lack of faith.
When we put our challenges into context, we can be on the side of man and judged by God or be on the side of God judged by man. Personally, I would rather be on the side of God. We are only here a short time and eternity is forever.
I heard this illustration on the radio today. “A Christians faith is like a bag of tea; you don't know what is inside until you test it.” That illustration made a lot of sense to me. You can say that you are a strong believer and you would do anything for your God. When we are put to the test, you can cave like a house of cards or stand firm as a rock.