What Does the Bible Say is the Worst Sin?

What Does the Bible Say is the Worst Sin?

When you think of the worst sin imaginable what comes to mind?  Do murder, theft, and adultery top your list?  Do you consider homosexuality the worst sin of all?  If you take a look at sin in the Bible, there are a wide variety of examples.  The Bible shows us these...
Forgiveness is Demanded From us.

Forgiveness is Demanded From us.

One of the hardest things to do in life is to ask for forgiveness.  The second and equally hard thing to do is to forgive others for their actions against us.  We have become a society where being self-centered dominates our emotions.  The world does not teach us to...
Friends who turned their back on you

Friends who turned their back on you

Are you having a struggle because of friends who turned their back on you? Doesn't feel right, does it? There are many reasons why friends choose to abandon each other. It might be that they are Christian and believe that you are sinning, and they are not to walk...