Love the sin out of people – David Upchurch

Love the sin out of people – David Upchurch

If God forgives us for our sins, why can't we love the sin out of people instead? David Upchurch delivered the sermon “Love like this….” at my church this weekend. His message discusses how God loves us, and how we can love each other. God loves the...
Quit Beating Yourself Up

Quit Beating Yourself Up

Beating yourself up over past mistakes does not make the mistakes go away.  What it does is cement the mistakes in your mind for as long as you want to hold on to them.  The only way to recover from things in the past is to bring them before God.  When we sin, we are...
Youth Leader Accused of Molesting Children

Youth Leader Accused of Molesting Children

I was reading the news on my Facebook feed this morning like I always do and I came across an article about a youth leader accused of molesting children. This story got my attention because of the headline, and it was a local story. The news article stated that the...
God Loves all Ugly People the Same

God Loves all Ugly People the Same

When we think of ugly people, we are usually quick to judge people by their outward appearance.  We nitpick certain aspects of their body to highlight as what we deem ugly.  In our minds, we see ugliness skin deep.  Our society emphasizes ugliness in everything we...