Restore the Old Being Made New in Christ

Restore the Old Being Made New in Christ

I have a barn on my property that is being made new.  We bought the acreage several years ago and with the property came several old farm buildings.  Our office for our business is a converted corn crib.  When we were working on restoring the building, we had to get...
What is Important in Life?

What is Important in Life?

If I told you to make a list of five things that are important in life, what would you pick?  Would you start your list with your family, your home and your job?  How many of you put God down for the first thing that is important in life? If you are reading this blog,...
Prayer that I say everyday – getting personal

Prayer that I say everyday – getting personal

There is a prayer that I say everyday that is a part of the Celebrate Recovery program. That prayer focuses on my failures, my willingness to turn my life over to God, and a desire to think less about myself and my willpower. I ask for direction and wisdom. I want to...
Being Encouraging to Others is Important

Being Encouraging to Others is Important

Being encouraging to others is more important than you think.  You may be the only positive influence that someone has in their life.  When you are encouraging to others, you let God's light shine through you. As a kid, I remember my grandmother always being...