Being Selfish Doesn’t Get You Into Heaven

Being Selfish Doesn’t Get You Into Heaven

From what I have seen lately, many Christian's are being selfish.  I am sure that some of you are like, no way.  Others are probably nodding their heads along with me.  Before you decide which side to stand on, hear me out.  Bear with me a minute because you may not...
Budgeting Your Money Will Reduce Stress

Budgeting Your Money Will Reduce Stress

Budgeting your money may seem like a foreign language to some of you.  I have been in the same boat as many of you for most of my adult life.  God has always blessed our family so that our basic needs were always taken care of.  Sometimes money gets tight, and...
Using Your Finances in a Biblically Way

Using Your Finances in a Biblically Way

Are you Biblically using your finances?  Most of us live outside of our means and do not follow what the Bible tells us to do with our finances.  So where do we start when it comes to spending our money?  I am sure that most of you have heard of Dave Ramsey.  Dave...
Why You Shouldn’t Sell Goods in Church

Why You Shouldn’t Sell Goods in Church

I have been brought up knowing that you don't sell goods in Church. The Churches that I attended as a child always had potlucks or Church gatherings that were free to all. They never sold books or a cup of coffee. There was never an admission price to go to an event...