Do you Need to See to Believe?

Do you Need to See to Believe?

We have the choice every day to believe people by taking them at their word.  Some people are credible, and others are not.  I asked my four-year-old the other day if he brushed his teeth after he got up in the morning.  He answered yes.  Not believing him, I said,...

How do We Change Other’s Heart and Mind?

When we thing of changing other's heart and mind, we are really just trying to persuade others to agree with us.  We think that our way of thinking should be everyone else's.  Their morals should be like ours so they can be as good as us.  We measure people by how...
Money Over Salvation In Churches Today

Money Over Salvation In Churches Today

What do you think when I say money over salvation?  Are you instantly turned off at the though of how can anyone value money over salvation?  My grandmother always used to tell me as a child “only one live; twill soon be past, only what is done for Christ will...