Is there a different way of showing millennials salvation? For some reason, a growing number of Churches think so. Our society is an excuse society, meaning that the vast majority of people don't like to accept responsibility for any of their actions. Millennials have been raised and conditioned at home and in their, every day lives that their problems are always caused by someone else. As an employer, I deal with this mindset on a daily basis.
What does accepting responsibility have to do with salvation? Everything. If we cannot take responsibility for our sins, then how can we possible expect to be forgiven? Constantly blaming our life choices on our parents, Church and society try to shed the blame to another. What exactly does the Bible say about accepting responsibility for our sins?
Proverbs 12:22 NASB “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, But those who deal faithfully are His delight.”
We are lying to ourselves as believers if we are not fourth coming in our lack of self-responsibility. As Church bodies, we are lying about the message of salvation when we think that we need to cater to everyone's desires. Our purpose is to serve the Lord, not to change his message to appease others.
Recently I have witnessed a trend in Churches, where they have started to separate out the body of Christ. Meaning that the Churches want one service geared towards millennials and one for older adults. This does not build up the Church as a body of Christ. It turns the Church into a Hydra. If you don't know what a Hydra is, it is a mythical creature that has multiple heads which share the same torso.
Romans 12:4-5 NASB For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.
Is your Church guilty of showing millennials salvation differently?
I guess that I question why Churches are showing millennials salvation differently then every other age group. Children grow up learning about Adam and Eve, Noah and David and Goliath. For some reason when these children become adults, we think that we need to reach people in a different way. Let's dangle some contemporary Christian music in the worship service. How about adding some activities in the Church to make it appealing to a younger audience?
Part of what makes a strong body of believers is diversity. The difference I am talking about is where spiritual walks with the Lord vary from person to person. When you encompass a worship service with young and old, you are creating the body of Christ. Some new believers, some believers that have gone astray and some believers that are solid as a rock. Singling out individual segments of your Church body runs counter to what the Bible tells us.
The glue that keeps a body of believers together is salvation from our sins. Without Jesus dying on the Cross, we would have no eternal life in heaven. When Jesus overcame the cross by dying and raising from the dead on the third day, he exhibited his majesty. The message of salvation will never change. It can't be watered down, and it can't fall in line behind other words in the Church. When the message of salvation is clear in a Church, everything else will fall into place.
Accept responsibility for your actions.
Let's stop showing millennials salvation differently. The message is the same for every human walking this earth. There is no better way to reach millennials then to share the message of salvation the same way you share it with everyone.
Only you can ask Jesus for salvation from your sins. No one else can do it for you. Until you realize that sin separates you from God, you cannot be saved. Being saved is only done through Jesus by the blood he shed on the cross for you.
The good news is that when we ask for forgiveness of our sins, we are no longer a slave to them. The chains are broken, and we are set free. There is nothing that you can do in your life that is too big for Jesus. All you have to do is accept responsibility for your sins and ask forgiveness.
This Easter lets remember the real reason why we celebrate. We celebrate because Jesus rose from the dead. Without his death on the cross, we would still be chained to our sins. Let us thank God for his love and kindness and sacrificing the life of his one and only son for us.