President Trump weighed in on the Charlie Gard situation yesterday. If you are unfamiliar with Charlie Gard, he is the ten-month-old British child born with a critical illness. Charlie was born with a rare genetic disease called infantile onset encephalomyopathy mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome. This condition causes progressive muscle weakness and brain damage. Charlie has been on life support his entire life. Recently doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital recommended that Charlie's life support be removed. Their reasoning in this matter was so that he could die with dignity.
Connie Yates and Chris Gard, the parents of Charlie, have been fighting the courts in Britain to save the life of their child. The hospital has been given authority by the courts to turn off Charlie's life support. Charlie's parents are not allowed to take their son home with them so that he can die in peace.
This situation follows the Go Fund Me page that raised $2,000,000.00 to fly Charlie to the United States for the treatment of his condition. Apparently, the courts nor the hospital has any intent in saving Charlie's life. Instead of the Charlie's parents financing a trip to the US with the money they raised, the powers to be have decided their work was done in vain. This decision by the courts and the hospital prompted President Trump to offer his assistance.
President Trump voiced his support for Charlie's family on Twitter.
If we can help little
#CharlieGard, as per our friends in the U.K. and the Pope, we would be delighted to do so.
The same day President Trump showed his support for Charlie, the Vatican also stepped forward offering their help as well.
President Trump may end up saving Charlie's life.
If you follow the news media, this story has been unreported for some time. Once President Trump came out with his statements, he brought global attention to Charlie. Even if President Trump does not formally step in and assist, his mere presence in this matter ignited a fire that will not be put out anytime soon. Due to the widespread attention of this case, it is not in Britain's best interest to proceed with Charlie's execution.
Britain will ultimately make the decision on whether or not to reverse its decision on Charlie. Since Britain has socialized medicine, the government makes the decisions for the patients. Parents are no longer in charge of choosing the best health care decisions for their children. We can only pray that the United States will not follow down this path of destruction.
Matthew 25:40 NASB The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’