Marcus Lemonis people process product is The Profit. This TV show is one of my favorites. The show centers on Marcus going into failing businesses, investing in them and turning them around into something great. Being an entrepreneur myself, I am naturally intrigued by the shows story line. It is interesting to watch how Marcus puts such an emphasis on his three principals people process product. Without great people, it is hard to have a good business. A successful business has a process in place that navigates the path of day to day operations. The product is the result of the works of the people through the process.
When I think of The Profit and 3P's Marcus Lemonis people process product, I also think of Church. What a weird connection must think. If you watch the show, you will have a greater understanding of what I am going to say. If you stumbled upon this blog by accident and are not a believer in Christ, you will be just as confused as someone who doesn't watch the show. Now if you have seen the show and are a believer in Christ, this should click in your head.
If you look at Marcus Lemonis people process product style for business and put it into a Church setting, you can also find similarities in our walk with Christ. Let's break down the 3P's so you can see what I am talking about.
1 Corinthians 11:1 NASB “Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.”
Let's start with people. People, Humans are the only creation to walk this earth with a soul. This fact is what separates us from every bird in the sky and every fish in the sea. People who know Christ and have a relationship with him, work for him. As Christians, we are called to be Christ-like. What that means is that we are supposed to live our lives as Christ would have lived his life. When you have good people who follow the Lord, good things can happen in their spiritual walks.
Now for the process. The process is how we live our lives. Do we become part of this world or do we live our life for our creator? We were put on this earth to honor and worship God. Our purpose was never to entertain God. God was never bored, lonely or needed a friend. Through the process of living our lives in a Godly way, we can glorify his work here on earth. Part of the process requires us to pray. We need to be in constant contact with God. Faith must be a staple of our relationship. God should be trusted to deliver everything in our life the way he sees fit.
Finally the product. The people that live for God produce a Godly product for everyone to see. This product is called the salt and the light of the world. When we follow the process God laid out for us in the Bible, we turn into a product of God's love and grace. The results are a Christ-like character.
Marcus Lemonis people process product for Christians.
Now that I have tied the 3P's together, you can see that the model Marcus uses for his businesses can work in our spiritual life as well. We need people to carry out the process for which God designed. The process that God laid out is flawless; we just need to follow it. The product of people following Gods will create Christ-like examples. People that are Christ-like examples lead others to Christ. When others are led to Christ, this process continues over and over again.
The process always works if you choose to follow the instructions. It is amazing to watch people that you led to Christ live their new spiritual lives. Someday these same individuals will more than likely repeat the process and lead others to Christ. By one person following the process, Christian products will be created by God for generations to come.