My original life plan, get married to a beautiful and lovingly wife. Have kids. Own a lovely home with a picket fence. And, have a job I loved with the freedom to spend time with my family.
The woman I married would love me as much as I loved her, and she would stay with me until death do us part. I didn't believe in divorce, having grown up with parents that will be together until the day they die.
That didn't happen! Okay, I did get married, and I thought I had a daughter, but that's where it fell apart. We ended up divorced, something that happened two additional times.
God was not a part of my first two marriages, but I dabbled with him being a part of my third. At least on the surface, which I now know, is not what Christ has in mind for a healthy marriage.
My third marriage ended nearly three years previous, and I have yet to date. I have not been ready to be the kind of guy for the type of woman I want in my life.
My last marriage included bringing two children into my life, who are my focus. Fortunately, I am introducing them to a relationship with Christ now.
Being the right person to get married again
I doubted I would ever become the kind of man necessary to get the kind of woman that would make me happy. That's changed, as I realize there is a possibility that God will show me a different way.
In October, I returned to Church, and more importantly I finally developed a personal relationship with God. Something I had never done before.
I am one of those people who “believe in God,” but did not “believe God.” That's changed. And, while I have a long journey, I believe that God will guide me through. We will be one of those that prays together and stays together.
“Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together” – Matthew 19:6
I am finally blessed with a relationship with God, and a core group of supportive people who are helping me to make the right kind of changes necessary to be who I am.
Yes, I have my setbacks, but my priorities and walk have me moving towards the greatest blessing a guy could have.
I am so thankful for all that the Lord is doing for my family and me. He's introduced a core group of people who are helping me to change my ways, to help me to be the kind of person I must be to have the person that is right for me.
Lord, I am so grateful for your love and support. Amen.