Finding the best Church for you and your family may require a little work.  I have had to Church shop before and it is not a fun task.  The initial feeling when you walk in the Church doors can be overwhelming.  You first impression can really set the tone for whether or not you will be back.

Before I even sit in the pew, I try to get a feel for the dynamics of the Church.  Is the Church welcoming?  Are the greeters making you feel welcome when you first come in the door?  I like to be surrounded by people that are excited to worship God.  It is important to feel welcomed.

Romans 15:7 “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”

1 Peter 4:9 “Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.”

What is the best Church for you?

More importantly than being welcomed in the Church is how the word of God is presented.  I have been to a variety of Churches and found the most fitting place for me is a non-denominational Church.  A non-denominational Church is a Church that is not part of a larger denomination.  Some of examples of larger denomination Churches are: Southern Baptist, Episcopal, Wesleyan, Methodist and Catholic to name a few.  I prefer having a independent local Church as my support system.

One other thing that I prefer is attending a Bible Church.  I feel a better connection to the word when it is not clouded by man made structure and rules.  Bible Churches are great because they focus solely on the interpretation of Bible.

I feel that the best way to follow the Bible is to let the Bible guide our Church lives.  Many Churches are loosing young people because they do not like the structure and rigmarole of denominational Churches.  The “rules” hinder spiritual growth because they put reliance on clergy and church structure.  Leaders are very important to a Church, but we already have a direct way to reach God.  We can pray directly to Jesus and do not need to funnel our prayers through a middle man for his approval.

Ultimately the choice is yours.  You will need to find a place where you can grow spiritually and connect with other Christians.  Church support is important to help us grow and work through our struggles in life.  Remember our faith should not be in a Church or people.  Our faith should always be in Jesus.  Find a Church home where there is capable and competent leadership that does everything in their power to point to Jesus.