Is favoritism getting in the way of seeing hidden qualities in great people?

We all like to believe we treat people equally, but we don't. Favoritism often goes to those who we have a relationship with or people who outperform.

What does it cost us, when we play favorites with someone because of how they look, talk or who they know? Are we missing out on qualities from people who appear lesser, but are more capable?

Are we willing to let go of the best, to get more from others?

My best salesperson thought he could do whatever he wanted. He bothered my other salespeople with all his gloating. He knew he is good, and would not work as hard as the rest of the team. No longer would he be tearing the moral down of my organization.

Favoritism results in sin

“But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.”  – (James 2:9-10 NIV)

Now, I had to do something. I decided to forgo the favoritism of letting him get away with what nobody else could do in my company. I went out on the sales floor and told him to take some time off and don't come back until you are ready to take the job seriously.

My instruction to him is to learn how to become a team player, and if he couldn't change that he was not to come back.

He left and returned a few days later. During that time the sales numbers shot through the roof because they knew I put them on an even playing field. They knew they are every bit as important as him.

And, my best sales guy learned how to help others around him instead of insulting them.

I prepared to fire him, and fortunately, he became part of the team.

Favoritism leaves people feeling as though you are either superior or less than others. How demeaning is it to have someone be treated with favoritism while you are working your hardest to do a great job?