Does the end justify the means when we interpret our Bible? I was thinking the other day about how people interpret the same set of verses in such different light. Now I realize that there are many different translations of the Bible. Just a word or two difference can shift the conversation. There are even vastly different ways that people can interpret the same Bible translations.
The question that I pondered was how one person's interpretation of the same context could be so far from another person's? Sometimes I think that we read into things too much and over-analyze the actual meaning of the context. Other times without proper overview of preceding and proceeding verses, we wonder off course as well. How do we know how to follow our Bible, if we are struggling with its translation?
One thing that I have found is consistent over the years is the phrase “does the end justify the means?” I think that sometimes we find ourselves searching for answers that are not documented in the Bible. We want to believe something so much that we twist and turn Bible verses to fit our needs. Instead of heeding warnings in the Bible, we begin to embrace sin in our life by accepting it and justifying it. It is my belief that if you have justified your actions through weak Biblical interpretation, you should just stay away from the situation. Pushing the envelope and trying to make a situation acceptable does more harm than good.
Does the end justify the means in our spiritual life?
Fooling yourself into making a situation just does not do anything for your spiritual walk. God does not care if you view something as a sin. God is the ultimate authority on what constitutes as a sin. Satan does a good job at tricking us into believing and accepting things that we should just stay away from. One thing that I have learned over the years is to follow the example of others at a distance. Just because you see another brother or sister in Christ engaging in an activity does not mean that it is God-honoring.
Use the simple phrase does the end justify the means when engaging in life? If you have to work hard to make something acceptable, is the result what God desires for you? Just because some Bible verses have a particular context, does that make them any less relevant today? Does the lack of context create an avenue for which you can create your ending?
2 Timothy 4:3 NASB For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,