Daily struggles in our lives can have a long-reaching impact on our future. Letting daily struggles go at the end of each day can be exhilarating and stress releasing at the same time. Our daily struggles can consume our attitudes. One of the best ways that I have found to try to keep positive is to let things go. Holding on to troubles does not make them go away, it consumes our minds.
I know that it is hard to let go of struggles. I don't know your struggles, and you do not know mine. But I do know that each of us can focus on having a positive attitude instead. I have struggled with having a positive attitude for all of my life. My mind is wired to lock down and hold in the trenches when a problem arises. Small problems become huge roadblocks because I cannot let go.
When I find myself in conflict with a daily struggle, I try to turn the negative into a positive. It was hard at first, but there is almost always a positive in every negative. Instead of being the one bringing others down all of the time, I am trying to be the positive encouragement in their life.
We are all made to suffer in our daily struggles.
Without struggles, there would be no need to lean on God.
1 Peter 5:10 NASB “After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.”
I have been one of those “Christians” that thought I could fix my problems myself. Having pride and being stubborn got me nowhere. My mind had to be completely re-wired to think positive. It had to be re-wired to bring my problems to God. Over the course of the last year, I find myself less stressed, more positive and ready to tackle whatever life throws at me. They say don't sweat the small stuff. Trust me, when you quit sweating the small stuff the big problems won't seem that big at all.