Up until last year, I had never been to a contemporary Christian concert. I have been to my share of country concerts over the years. What does a contemporary Christian concert offer that other concerts do not? Most people will tell you that the only difference between a contemporary Christian concert and all other concerts is the Christian music that they are playing. Up until a couple of years ago, I would have been in that group of people. I didn't listen to Christian music on the radio and most of my music experiences centered around rock and country. My thought of Christian music was bland and boring.
I remember my grandparents watching the Gathers perform on TV. Since I am not from their generation, I did not have an appreciation for the music like my grandparents did. I am not knocking the music, but it just didn't connect with me. It was too old school. It is what I grew up listing to in Church and at home. The music was for my grandparents, and it wasn't for me.
When I started listening to the words of the music that I was hearing, I wasn't pleased with what I was filling my mind with. Not only did I listen to the radio when I was in the car, but my family was in the car with me as well. It is never a good thing when your child starts to sing about getting drunk in the back seat of your car. When you are listening to the radio, there is no way to censor the music so that you do not have to subject yourself to the trashy songs.
My wife suggested that we start listening to Christian music in the car to avoid the trash that was being played on the radio. So we began listening to Christian music a couple of years ago. I was not a fan at first, but it grew on me. As my relationship with Jesus grew, so did my interest in Christian music. No longer did I have to worry about my children singing about getting drunk. They now started to sing about things that glorified Jesus. Let me tell you; it makes a big change in your spiritual life.
Casting Crowns contemporary Christian concert
Our family was looking forward to seeing the Casting Crown in concert. My wife had seen them a couple of years ago after her father died. She was moved by the message then and found comfort in their time of worship together. When I say a time of worship, that is exactly what a contemporary Christian concert is. Instead of the time being spent together just focusing on the entertainment of the music, it focused on a message. After every couple of songs, the lead singer Mark Hill would take the time to interject the word of God into the concert.
The arena was nearly full; I couldn't believe that there were so many Christians under one roof getting together to worship God. It is a fun experience. Instead of the band being an idol, the group becomes worship leaders just like Church. It is cool to see Christian artists treat you like a fellow brother and sister in Christ instead of a fan. You will never leave another concert feeling the way you do when you leave a Christian concert.
If you have never been to a contemporary Christian concert, I will encourage you to do so. It will not only be a very good time of worship, but it may change your life forever.
Psalm 95:1 NASB “O come, let us sing for joy to the Lord, Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation.”